"A mistake is just that: a mistake. Are you ready and willing to deal with the consequences if you make a mistake debadging your own car or truck?"
Many people (mostly guys) who decide to remove the car or truck emblems are generally the do-it-yourself type of guys.
The problem is that debadging your car or truck is a job that looks really very simple and straight forward at a casual observation.
I even have videos on my YouTube channel that go into great detail on how to remove the badges and emblems from your car and truck.
But for every step of the process (and there are in fact many steps), there is an opportunity to really mess things up; be it a little scratch here, or a major paint blistering moment there.
Above is my car debadging kit that includes much of the tools and products required to remove and/or replace car badges, emblems, and stickers from virtually any car, truck, or van.
Every step of the way represents unique challenges you will not fully appreciate until you are actually attempting to remove these car badges and emblems yourself.
It is one thing to see someone with decades of experience do this in a video; entirely different when you are suddenly facing your brand new (or slightly used) car or truck with a certain tool, and you find yourself overcome with a healthy level of fear and uncertainty of due to your lack of experience.
"Darren, now that I see you doing this first hand right before my eyes, I am so glad I decided to pay you to do it. It looks so easy on the videos. Now that I see it first hand I can fully appreciate the skill and patience that goes into the debadging process!"
You may have already come to the wise conclusion to hire a person like myself to remove the badges from your car or truck.
In the event you are still on the fence, I have learned through decades of experience that most people truly don't understand each step and the potential for problems until they see it first hand.
Performing the debadging process countless times has given me a unique perspective: the ability to now communicate to you, the different points of view my own customers have shared with me.
The idea of doing this yourself is a very real and serious mental debate due to the potential consequences that are a reality.
First step in debadging car is to heat car emblem to soften the double sided tape that secures car emblem to car.
Once you finesse the heat gun in heating up the car emblem without blistering the car paint, you can move onto step 2 of debadging car.
Fishing line is used to slice through the double side tape to release the car emblem from the car itself.
This part is pretty straightforward so long as you do not allow fishing line to abrade and scratch the paint surface as you slice though double sided tape.
The 3M eraser wheel is an amazing tool that when used properly, allows the user to remove the double sided tape much easier than trying to remove by hand.
This eraser wheel is completely safe in most applications, but has certain limitations based on the car and the substrate material (metal body panel versus plastic body panel)
Once the eraser wheel is used to remove the double sided tape, there will always be residual adhesive that will need to be removed.
There are many products or chemicals that can be used to remove this adhesive, but not all products are safe for your car paint.
This step is often where people debadging a car themselves will abrade and damage the paint by not using the right product which then requires lots of rubbing which in turn abrades the paint.
Not every car or truck needs to be polished after debadging car or truck. But for absolute perfection, polishing the areas where the car emblems have been removed is a requirement.
This is especially true on older cars and trucks, and cars and trucks with darker colored paint.
"Due to my global following on YouTube and the many debadging car videos I have, many people want to know WHY!"
So let me answer that question in the event that you are simply investigating the process or contemplating having this done.
The Why's
Use the following checklist to add additional information that you should or would like to know in advance.
Trying to lay out every conceivable removal and replacement debadging job would be impossible due to the numerous factors that will ultimately determine the cost.
I have done my best to lay out the many nuances of this process so that you will be as fully informed as possible.
With that said, despite all these many nuances of debadging cars and trucks, every car/truck owner is different and have unique requests. Which means that ultimately, every job will be unique in actual cost to have done what you want done.
So with that said, I will make some broad generalizations so you at least have some context as to what to expect.
Virtually every job has fallen between $80-$350.00. (perhaps your unique situation will fall on either side of those numbers; there is always a first) I realize this is a massive spread in cost, but there is a massive spread in the countless jobs I have done along with the countless requests of the individual car/truck owners. Literally, anything goes. Seriously....
Before and After
Car Emblem Removal: Chevy Silverado
Notice how the back end of this Chevy Silverado truck has a new, cleaner appearance after the car emblems and badges have been removed.
I hope you have new understanding of the debadging car or truck process. It is a topic that is often misrepresented through many videos that can be found on YouTube, as a well as a topic filled with erroneous information.
Bad information being repeated from one well intentioned person after another. Now that you have more understanding, I hope you can also make better decisions when and if it comes to the debadging car or truck moment of decision in your world!
Darren Priest