Black Car Wax or Wax for Black Cars?

That's the hundred-thousand dollar question of the moment.

I understand the "logic" behind this quest to find black car wax to wax your black car with.

After all, black cars are the most difficult to take care of and the hardest paint color to wax due to black paint showing all the imperfections much more than any other car paint color.

Which means that by following this logic of using a colored car wax, then black wax must certainly be the best choice for a black car.

Turtle Wax Color Magic: Jet Black

You asked, and now you get!

Turtle Wax is one of the few companies to rise to the occasion and formulate car waxes designed specifcally for waxing black cars.

Black car wax turtle wax

Turtle Wax Black Car Wax on Amazon

This product will perform perfectly well for you!

Turtle Wax makes a lot of very good products design specifically towards the home hobbyist and general "concerned car owner".

If you do have a black car and are determined to get some protection while enhancing the beauty at the same time, then you have found the car wax for you.

Black Car Paint:
The Love/Hate Relationship

Whether this is your first time or not, owning a black car quickly reveals itself as a love/hate relationship.

Most of us will agree that very few cars create the drama of emotion in response to a freshly washed and waxed black car!

ferrari in black paint

But waxing a black car or maintaining a black car is not for everyone!

Only the truly committed or the true gluttons of punishment will be willing to sign onto this challenge...and a challenge it is!

Black Diamond Car Wax for Black Cars

black diamond car wax

Black Diamond Black Car Wax on Amazon

Car Gods, a premium car care brand founded by Tetrosyl, offers a divine collection of over 100 advanced detailing products, including this popular Diamond Black Car Wax.

Their unique value proposition lies in using cutting-edge polymers, resins, and wax technology, all developed and manufactured in the UK. With a mythological theme, Car Gods caters to enthusiasts seeking "godly perfection" in vehicle care, covering everything from pre-cleaning to protection and restoration.

Turtle Wax Jet Black for Black Cars

turtle wax black series black car wax

Turtle Wax Black Series on Amazon

This other option from Turtle Wax is more than just a car wax for black cars, but a complete kit of products designed for polishing, waxing, and proteccting your black car.

Black Car Wax:
Darren's Professional Tip

Let me add a few tips from my professional world as a detailer.

Best wax for a black car on this Porsche carrera

  • Always refer to the labeling for manufacturers directions as a starting point. (they are the one's who formulated the stuff, so at least start with their directions before you start breaking the rules)
  • It is important to maintain realistic expectations (there is no magic black wax that will be capable of covering or concealing all the imperfections and flaws of your black car.
  • As a rule, most beginners think that "more is better". This is not the case when it comes applying a thick layer of wax thinking you will be getting better coverage. The better rule is to think "light application" and repeat if you want by adding a second layer.
  • The preferred "tool" for removal is a micro fiber cloth, not a baby diaper. (that is so two decades ago)
  • You can apply and remove car wax in any pattern of your choosing despite what the many pseudo-experts say regarding swirl marks. Applying any car wax in a circular pattern will not produce swirl marks.
  • Make sure your paint has been washed and you have used the clay bar to remove bonded paint contaminates from your paint prior to the wax application. (this is often overlooked by people and is a VERY critical step for truly silky, smooth paint)

Waxing a Black Car

black car wax on a black porsche

Waxing a black car is "tricky" under the best of circumstances!

Not only is paint different from car to car which will affect the wax you have chosen, but the weather itself will affect the process and the end results.

There really is many factors to consider when waxing any car, and waxing a black car only creates additional problems.

With all that said, I wish you much success!


Darren Priest


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